Saturday, May 27, 2006

notes on logistics and scheduling

thought I'd drop in to describe the logistics for somethingood so that people can be clear on what we can/cannot provide.

basically the set-up for each station will consist of:
  • chairs (up to 10)
  • a table with donation boxes and material related to the BMDP
  • stands with a poster and a chalkboard that the buskers can use to say who they are, when they're performing next
  • a PA system

I think we made it sufficiently clear to most groups that we can only provide a PA system! (although strangely enough, people ask whether or not we're providing a drumset after this) we're very sorry about this, but the reason why we can't provide more is because it will cost us a lot of money bringing down guitar amps and drumsets on a daily basis and could even double the budget - and I don't think that's fair to the donating public at all.

that said, we have some fantastic bands (I mentioned them in a previous post) who want to do their bit, whom we would like to see play as well. so that's why we're doing the closing night, where we will get a decent set-up for a full band down.

regarding the PA system: each system will cost us approximately $100/day to rent. now, that's not so bad because it works out to about $12.50/hour. but this is only on the condition that the station is being used for the whole day!

the fact of the matter is that in certain cases where groups are only busking for one hour, the station only remains open for an hour. so that hour works out to a $100 hour! so if you've only signed up for one hour please consider extending your busking by one or two more hours. this makes things a lot more viable for us and it means you can help bring in more donations too. so please give it some thought and talk to your liaison officer about it. :)

also, a note regarding signing up for slots: please, please do not sign up for slots you cannot commit to! this is because you're going to be taking up the time that someone else is keen on and if you pull out (as some groups have done, unfortunately) our manpower department have to scramble to recontact other groups to see if they're still interested.

I will probably put the (tentative) schedules up sometime today/tomorrow - because of logistical issues we're doing some juggling so there may be some surprises.


Blogger claud

we've submitted an application for the grant! and the panel are reviewing it.
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